Paged Out! #2 is out
I know I'm late to the game, but "Paged Out!" #2 has been released in mid November. Just like the first issue, it features tons of interesting articles and tutorials.
Published by Philipp Trommler. This article has also been translated to: de.
Unlike with the first issue I won't give you a full disclosure of what's in this release here, since you're probably spoiled enough to jump right into the second issue (attention, big PDF) yourself. Just to point out the obvious: It is – again – full of interesting articles and tutorials.
Of course, I didn't manage to come up with an article idea in time so you won't see an entry made by me, I didn't even find the time to read the full issue, yet. So, just as a reminder: The next deadline is the 20/02/2020! 😉
Filed under Paged Out!. Tags: magazine, reading.
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