Philipp Trommler's Blog

Tiny Bits: DNS TTLs

Often overlooked but still important: The right choices for your DNS TTLs. tl;dr Make them longer!

Published (modified ) by Philipp Trommler. This article has also been translated to: de.

This blog post I've found via Hacker News talks about the importance of the right choices for DNS TTLs. These values tell anyone asking how long the DNS entry should be considered valid before the DNS server should be asked again (how long the value can be cached). The caching duration has impact on various topics: The named article talks of latency, privacy and reliability, and I'll add the environment. A busy DNS server has a higher energy consumption than an idling one (let alone the intermediate networking gear)! Those are more than enough reasons for me to take this seriously.

The cited article suggests a TTL of at least 40 minutes (2400 seconds) or – better – one hour (3600 seconds), because the latter can theoretically decrease the number of needed DNS queries down to 17 %! So – of course – I've decided to check my own settings in order to make them comply with the suggested settings. Using drill I got the following value for my blog:

1       1800    IN      A

Ouch! The first miss. That's only 30 minutes for a domain that will probably never change. Let's check my old blog:

5        1800    IN      CNAME      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A

Here I even get embarrassed by Github, that choose the right values. From here on the value for my CV website is quite unsurprising:

1 1800    IN      A

Setting these values is easy, though, you can do this usually in the web frontend of your domain registrar. This is what I've done and when you now check my domain you should see 60 minute TTLs everywhere.

What can you do? Well, if you're a domain holder, you can do as I did and choose appropriate TTLs. If you're an end user, well, your options are few. The one I took is Pi-hole. Apart from its ad-blocking capabilities, it also caches DNS requests and thus lowers the number of public observable DNS queries that leave your home network even further.

Pie chart showing the distribution of DNS queries that were handled by my
Pi-hole installation: Around one quarter has been blocked, one quarter has been
answered from the cache and the other half has been forwarded to upstream DNS
My Pi-hole installation stops half of the DNS queries from within my network either via blocking or by answering them from the cache.

But you can go even further by adjusting the settings of dnsmasq, the DNS server underlying Pi-hole. In an up-to-date Pi-hole installation you can add custom settings to dnsmasq by creating an additional file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ and putting your configuration options in there.

To increase the minimum TTL for all domains requested via Pi-hole min-cache-ttl is the right value. Of course you could just set it to 2400 in order to give all your network clients a TTL of 40 minutes for all domains. But keep in mind that this may break sites making use of services like Cloudflare or that use their DNS entries for load balancing. But even setting a value of 300 (five minutes) should decrease the number of DNS queries needed significantly without breaking too much. Thus, the content of the newly created configuration file should be the following:


Additionally you could set a TTL for all blocked domains by using local-ttl but alas Pi-hole already sets this value in an automatically regenerated config file and dnsmasq doesn't allow you to override options. Thus, your only chance to change this value is to edit /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf after each upgrade. If you do, you can choose a really high value since you don't want to visit those sites anyway. In that case you have to set dhcp-ttl to zero as well, though, in order to prevent the former setting to have influences on your DHCP (see dnsmasq(8)). Keep in mind that whitelisting a mistakenly blocked domain may take up to local-ttl seconds to have an effect!

I hope I could arouse some interest for DNS TTLs. If not, I urge you to have a look at the aforementioned article again. Happy configuration!

Filed under Tiny Bits. Tags: dns, web, pi-hole.

Want to comment on this article? Write me at blog [at] philipp-trommler [dot] me!

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